World Waterways 1998-1999 |
The proverb or the saying | Объяснение смысла | Русский перевод пословиц и поговорок |
A good maxim is never out of season: |   | Перевод: Хороший афоризм всегда к месту. Старинная пословица не мимо молвится (рус.). |
After rain comes fair weather. (English) After a storm (comes) fair weather, after sorrow (comes) joy. (Russian) | There must be something better after every piece of unpleasantness. |
После дождя наступает ясная погода. После ненастья - вёдро, после горя - радость. |
All is fish that comes to the net. (English) Any fish is good if it is on the hook. (Russian) | The fisherman can make use of every kind of fish that he catches, large and small. One should make use of every opportunity that comes one's way. |
Любая рыба (годится), которая попала в сеть. Всякая рыба хороша, коль на удочку пошла. |
Beware of a silent man and still water. (English) Beware of a quiet dog and still water. (Russian) | You should not be afraid of people who make threats and shout in a loud voice; it is the people who are quiet and say little that must really be feared. |
Берегись молчаливого человека и тихой воды. Берегись тихой собаки да тихой воды. |
Birds of a feather flock together. (English) One fisherman sees another from afar. (Russian) | People of similar interests, tastes or characters are attracted to each other and stay close together. |
Птицы с одинаковым оперением собираются вместе. Рыбак рыбака видит издалека. |
The burnt child dreads the fire. (English) Once burned by milk you will blow on cold water. (Russian) | After some bitter or painful experience you will be on your guard against similar troubles or sufferings. |
Обжегшийся ребёнок боится огня. Обжегшись на молоке, будешь дуть и на воду. |
A cat in gloves catches no mice. (English) You cannot pull a fish out of a pond without labour. (Russian) | Restrain and caution achieve nothing; if you want to get something, you should immediately start working for it. |
В перчатках кошка мышей не ловит. Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда. |
The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet. (English) One would like to eat fish, but would not like to get into the water. (Russian) | Said of a person who is anxious to obtain something valuable but does not want to take the necessary trouble or risk. |
Кошка хотела бы съесть рыбку, да не хочет замочит лапки. Хочется рыбку съесть, да не хочется в воду лезть. |
A cock is bold on his own dunghill. (English) Any sandpiper is great in his own swamp. (Russian) | It is easy to brag of your deeds in familiar surroundings where you are safe from danger and not likely to be put to proof. |
Петух храбр на своей навозной куче. Всяк кулик на своём болоте велик. |
Constant dropping wears away a stone. (English) A drop hollows out a stone. (Russian) | Persistence will achieve a difficult objective. |
Постоянно капающие капли стирают камень. Капля и камень долбит. |
The cow knows not the worth of her tail till she loses it. (English) We do not care of what we have, but we cry when it is lost. (Russian) | We do not appreciate the value of a thing till we have lost it. |
Корова не знает цены своему хвосту, пока она его не потеряет. Что имеем не храним, потерявши плачем. |
Don't have they cloak to make when it begins to rain. (English) The peasant will not cross himself before it begins to thunder. (Russian) | Do not do at the last moment anything that was to be done long before. Do not put things off until the last moment. |
Не заказывай себе плащ, когда дождь (уже) начинается. Гром не грянет - мужик не перекрестится. |
Don't swap horses in the middle of the stream. (English) You do not swap horses while crossing the ford. (Russian) | Do not change arrangements while you are in the middle of a difficult task or till a crisis is past. |
Не меняй коней посредине речки. Лошадей на переправе не меняют. |
Don't teach a fish to swim. (English) Do not teach a pike to swim, a pike knows his own science. (Russian) | Do not tell or show somebody how to do something that he can do perfectly well and probably better thank you yourself. |
Не учи рыбу плавать. Не учи плавать щуку, щука знает свою науку. |
Every bird likes its own nest best. (English) Every sandpiper praises its own swamp. (Russian) | Every man praises what is familiar and dear to him. |
Всякая птица любит свое гнездо больше всего. Всяк кулик своё болото хвалит. |
Every cloud has a silver lining. (English) There is no evil without good. (Russian) | in every trouble and difficulty there is hope or expectation of an improvement in the circumstances; a misfortune may turn into a benefit. |
У каждого облака есть серебряная подкладка. Нет худа без добра. |
Every flow has its ebb. (English) Good fortune and bad fortune travel in the same sledge. (Russian) | Our lives have ups and downs; neither good fortune nor ill fortune lasts forever. |
У каждого прилива есть отлив. Счастье с бессчастьем на одних санях ездят. |
A food may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out. (English) A fool throw a stone into the water, and ten clever men will not be able to pull it out. (Russian) | A fool's behaviour and actions are unpredictable. |
Дурак может бросить в колодец камень, а сотня мудрецов не вытащит. Дурак в воду кинет камень, а десять умных не вынут. |
He knows how many beans make five. (English) He will come of the water dry. (Russian) | He is shrewd; he is no fool; he is not to be imposed upon. |
Он знает, сколько бобов составляет пять. Он сух из воды выйдет. |
It is no use crying over spilt milk. (English) You will not help trouble with tears. (Russian) | When we have made mistake through carelessness, or suffered loss that cannot be recovered, we should not waste our or regretting what has happened. |
Бесполезно плакать над пролитым молоком. Слезами горю не поможешь. |
It never rains but it pours. (English) When misfortune has come, open the gate. (Russian) | Misfortunes rarely come alone but tend to come together in large numbers or follow each in raзid succession. |
Дождь не просто идет, а льет ливнем. Пришла беда - отворяй ворота. |
It's no use pumping a dry well. (English) One cannot draw water in a sieve. (Russian) | Do not waste your time doing useless things. |
Бесполезно качать (воду) из пересохшего колодца. Решетом воду не черпают. |
The last drop makes the cup run over. (English) The last drop overfills the cup. (Russian) | Even an insignificant addition to a difficult job or situation can make it unbearable; person can bear so much pain and trouble, but no more. |
Последняя капля заставляет чашку перелиться через край. Последняя капля переполняет чашу. |
Let every man praise the bridge he goes over. (English) Do not spit into the well, you may want to drink out of it. (Russian) | Do not be ungrateful; be thankful for favours you have had. |
Пусть каждый хвалит мост, по которому он ходит. Не плюй в колодец - пригодится воды напиться. |
Look before you leap. (English) Do not plunge into the water if you do not know where the ford is. (Russian) | Do not act rashly without considering the possible difficulties and dangers of the action. |
Посмотри, прежде чем прыгнуть. Не зная броду, не суйся в воду. |
Make hay white the sun shines. (English) Mow (grass, corn, etc.) white there is still dew. (Russian) | Take advantage of the opportunities while conditions are favourable. |
Заготавливай сено, пока солнце светит. Коси, коса, пока роса. |
Many a little makes a mickle. (English) A sea gathers by drops. (Russian) | Many little things or amounts accumulate to form a large thing or amount. |
Из многих мелочей слагается крупное. По капле и море собирается. |
A mill cannot grind with the water that is past. (English) What has been has floated away. (Russian) | It is no use sighing for the past. One must not miss one's opportunity. |
Мельница не может молоть (зерно) водой, которая уже прошла мимо. Что было, то сплыло. |
Never fish in troubled water. (English) Do not fish in turbid water. (Russian) | Do not try to benefit from other people's troubles or to gain advantage for yourself from a disturbed state of affairs. |
Никогда не лови рыбу в неспокойной воде. Не лови рыбу в мутной воде. |
No gain without pain. (English) One must bend down to have a drink from a brook. (Russian) | Nothing can be gained without a certain amount of discomfort, effort or compromise. |
Без старания нет достижений. Нужно наклониться, чтобы из ручья напиться. |
Nothing seek, nothing find. (English) Water does not run under a lying stone. (Russian) | One cannot obtain anything unless one makes an effort to obtain it. |
(Когда) ничего не ищешь, ничего не найдёшь. Под лежачий камень вода не течёт. |
One man's meat is another man's poison. (English) A ford for a horse is flood for a hen. (Russian) | One person may hate what another likes. What seems good or pleasing to one person may be bad or unsuitable for another. |
То, что для одного человека пища, для другого - отрава. Коню брод, а курице потоп. |
Paddle your own canoe. (English) You must see it yourself whether it is a whirlpool or an edge. (Russian) | Control your own affairs without help from anyone else; depend on your own efforts for success. |
На своей лодке греби сам. Сам смекай, где омут, где край. |
The pitcher goes too often to the well. (English) The pitcher took to going to fetch water. (Russian) | A trick or act of deceit that is attempted too many times will certainly be discovered. |
Кувшин слишком часто ходит по воду. Повадился кувшин по воду ходить. |
The scalded cat fears cold water. (English) He who has been attacked by a bear is afraid of a stump. (Russian) | After you been injured by something you will become careful and keep away from the cause of your troubles. |
Ошпаренная кошка холодной воды боится. Кого медведь драл, тот и пня боится. |
Still waters run deep. (English) Devils are found in a still pond. (Russian) | A quiet person can have much knowledge, cunning, strong emotions, etc. |
Тихие воды текут глубоко. В тихом омуте черти водятся. |
Time and tide wait for no man. (English) Time doesn't wait. (Russian) | The natural progress of time will continue without regard to man, so if an opportunity is neglected it may not come again for a long time. |
Время, приливы и отливы не ждут человека. Время не ждёт. |
Too much water drowned the miller. (English) Measure is the truth of any matter. (Russian) | The idea is that the supply of water is so great that even the miller, who uses a water wheel, is drowned with it. So it is best to be reasonable in one's demands. |
Слишком большое количество воды утопило мельника. Мера - всякому делу вера. |
You can take a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. (English) You cannot force people to like you. (Russian) | You can make it easy for a person to do what you want but you cannot force him to do something he does not want to do. |
Вы можете привести лошадь к воде, но не сможете заставить ее пить. Насильно мил не будешь. |
You cannot get a quart into a pint pot. (English) You cannot pour a barrel (of something) into a thimble. (Russian) | You cannot attempt to do what is impossible, especially by trying to put a great quantity of something into something that cannot hold it. |
Нельзя влить кварту в кружку вместимостью в пинту. Бочку в напёрсток не выльешь. |
You never miss the water till the well runs dry. (English) You will know the price of a thing after you have lost it. (Russian) | You never know the worth of a thing till you have lost it. |
Никогда не чувствуешь отсутствие воды, пока не высохнет колодец. Цену вещи узнаешь, когда потеряешь. |
The book: M. Dubrovin. A book of English and Russian proverbs and sayings Illustrated. Moscow, "Prosveshenie" 1993. М.И. Дубровин Английские и русские пословицы и поговорки в иллюстрациях. Москва. "Просвещение". 1993.