Информация о работе школьной информационной службы (медиацентра) в 1998-1999 учебном году |
Victor, Thank you for your interesting and informative input. I live in Ohio near Dayton. I've also lived in Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois--both cities with rivers. There are five small rivers that cross through the Dayton area.О том, что страница приносит пользу, свидетельствует сообщение руководителя проекта Джона Шепарда
My knowledge of Russia is very limited. Twenty years ago in college I studied one quarter of Russian. I found it to be a very difficult language requiring much study--probably because of the Cyrillic (spelling?) alphabet. However, every once in a while, even today I will see a sign in Russian and recognize a word or two. My ex-father-in-law also received the magazine Pravda eons ago. This was during the Cold War but he felt that Americans needed to know about all peoples. I feel that it's important for us to know about the many people of the world--and not wait until we get into wars with each other before we talk or learn where a country or province is---or a river is. That's probably why I teach.
Again, thanks so much for taking the time to tell us something about your rivers and area.
Sergey, Elena, Liliya and Victor, Thanks for sharing this information about your home. I hadn't realized that Russia has so many distinctive features. Johnи Пегги Кнаппа
1. Victor. Of course! We'd love to hear more about Ural. Please write soon. If you have lots of pictures, maybe we should put them onto a web page instead of this conference, so everyone can see them. We could link them from our Rivers homepage. What do you think? Peggy Knapp. Associate Producer. Rivers of LifeУчащаяся 11 класса Носова Елена написала небольшое сочинение о русской зиме и поместила его в конференцию для учащихся. Это небольшое сочинение получило хороший отклик от американского учителя
2. Thank you for your lovely note. I appreciate your kind sentiments. It has been a difficult time here. Misfortunes such as these we have suffered always leave more questions than answers, especially in the case of the killings of school children, by other school children. The only good to come out of the whole thing, I believe, is that we as a nation are talking about the issue of violence, talking more openly with our children, and listening more carefully to them. Best regards, Peggy Knapp Associate Producer
3. What a wonderful interpretation of the name of your region! The Stone Belt. Solid and united. And, yes, it's important to remember that nature gives us so much room and wealth. 30 thousand rivers is rich, in every way. 70% of your people live in towns? Then Ural must be very urbanized. Are there many farms? What do farmers in your area grow? Here in Minnesota, farmers grow corn, soybeans, and raise lots of pigs and turkeys. But, our farmers are having a hard time getting enough money for their crops. Many small farmers lose their lands, because of the hard economics of farming. Peggy Knapp, Associate Producer, Rivers of Life
4. Thank you for your lovely note. I appreciate your kind sentiments. It has been a difficult time here. Misfortunes such as these we have suffered always leave more questions than answers, especially in the case of the killings of school children, by other school children. The only good to come out of the whole thing, I believe, is that we as a nation are talking about the issue of violence, talking more openly with our children, and listening more carefully to them. Best regards, Peggy Knapp. Associate Producer
Elena and group "INTERNET",Активно участвовали во внутренних конференциях и другие учащиеся школы.
I should not be in the kids club but wanted you to know we are having a very different winter than usual in South Central Minnesota. It was 55 degrees fahrenheit last week and this week it is 20 degrees f, below zero. Fifty degrees below zero with the wind chill. We have had about one inch of snow so far. This is very unusual for Minnesota.
I will let the students convert it to celsius and cm so they can be involved in their own chat room! You are expressive with your writing. I am not fond of winter and your description of winter made me appreciate the beauty of snow. Thank you for letting me see the beauty of snow.
Lauren Klement
You've done remarkable work on your Steamer Trunk. We will certainly include it on the Rivers of Life website. I do have a suggestion, though on how we might proceed. Since you have already designed the layout, and the text for each of the artifacts, and have some design ideas already in mind, why don't you and your colleagues go ahead and create the website, just the way you like it, and put it up on a local server that we could link to from the ROL website. If you don't have access to a local server, you could send us the finished html files, and we could host it here.и сообщения наших партнеров:
It seemed to us that you are so far along in the process of creating your electronic Steamer Trunk, you might as well do the actual construction, so it looks the way you want it to look, and we'll link it from the Steamer Trunk page.
Let me know your thoughts on this. I look forward to hearing from you.
Peggy Knapp. Associate Producer. Rivers of Life. Center for Global Environmental Education Hamline University
"Dear Vikhtor, We have received your message and the "Steamer Trunk" artifacts. The photos are excellent. Mrs. Brasel, my co-teacher who is doing the Rivers of Life unit, is still working on the artifacts for her class. I will show your message to her and hopefully you will get another message from us soon. Sincerely, David Spidahl"Наша работа, содержащая артефакты Пермской области, размещена на сервере Пермского государственного университета. Эту информацию гимназия №2 г.Перми предполагает использовать при изучении истории и географии родного края, краеведении.
"Hi! Greetings from our town to yours. Thank you so much for the interesting artifacts. Finding your location was a definite challenge for our students. My name is Jody Brasel and I teach Minnesota History to my students and to David Spidahl's. He in turn, is in charge of the Science curriculum."
"В отношении Вашей работы. Она мне очень понравилась, обязательно внесу ее адрес в информацию для детей. То есть когда им будут нужны данные по области, пусть "роются" и в Вашей странице! Еще бы "Индустрию" на русском и "порезать" на странички, а то долго грузится! А фотографии просто великолепны! Успехов Вам! Владимир (координатор сетевой работы гимназии №2)."Подробности о работе группы Интернет можно посмотреть ЗДЕСЬ
Юрий Санников( jurisann@hotmail.com)Одним из результатов работы школьного Web-сайта можно считать установившиеся связи по электронной почте с учителем биологии из Финляндии, с координатором сетевой работы городского дворца творчества юных из Ростова-на-Дону, сотрудниками информационной службы одной из школ города Уфы и некоторыми школами города Перми, расположенными в Кировском, Ордженикидзевском, Индустриальном, Ленинском районах.
1.6.1999 12:56
Бывший житель города Перми.
МОЛОДЦЫ!!! Ваша страничка мне понравилась.
Сейчас я живу Эстонии, Таллинне, но с большим
итересом слежу за жизнью на Урале, Перми.
Рад любым вашим успехам.